Our Speakers

Professor Emeritus Lance Fung- IEEE Asia-Pacific Region (R10) Director

Professor Emeritus Lance Fung was trained as a Marine Radio and Electronic Officer in Hong Kong and UK during early 70’s. He graduated with a B.Sc. Degree with First Class Honors in Maritime Technology and a M.Eng. Degree from the University of Wales in early 80’s. His PhD degree was awarded by the University of Western Australia in 1994 under the supervision of Professor Kit Po Wong. Lance has worked in the industry and academic sectors for over 40 years. He has authored over 400 publications in the disciplines of AI, Computational Intelligence and related applications. He has supervised over 30 doctoral students to completion. Lance has served as Director of the Centre for Enterprise Collaboration in Innovative Systems, Member of Murdoch University Senate, Academic Council, Associate Dean of Research, Postgraduate Research Director and as representative and advisor to industry and government committees. Lance has been a dedicated volunteer in IEEE for over 20 years and he is the current IEEE Asia-Pacific Region (R10) Director.

Dr. Garry Wei-Han Tan

Dr. Garry Wei-Han Tan is a Professor at the UCSI Graduate Business School, UCSI University. He has been acknowledged as the “World 10 Most Productive and Influential Authors” in Mobile Commerce, Social Commerce and Mobile Payment in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022. He was the recipient of the Outstanding Reviewer Award by Industrial Management and Data Systems (2018) (Emerald), Internet Research (2019) (Emerald), Emerald Outstanding Contribution Award (2020) (Emerald), Most Downloaded Articles for Technology in Society and Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services (2020) (Elsevier), Top Reviewer Award (2020) by Sustainable Production and Consumption (Elsevier), Top-Cited International Journal of Production Research Paper (2021) (Taylor and Francis), Most Cited International Journal of Information and Management (2021) (Elsevier) and the recipient of the Hot and Highly Cited Paper (2021, 2022, 2023) (Clarivate Analytics). He has published over 90 papers in leading academic journals such as the Journal of Production Research (SCI; SCIE; ABDC A), Tourism Management (SSCI; ABS A*), Journal of Business Research (SSCI; ABDC A),International Journal of Information Management (SSCI; ABDC A*), Technological Forecasting and Social Change (SSCI; ABDC A), Supply Chain Management: An international Journal (SSCI; ABDC A), Information Systems Frontiers (SSCI; ABDC A), etc with 62 percent of his papers currently ranked “A*” and “A”, according to the Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) Journal Quality List. Prof Tan has reviewed over 1000 articles indexed in Web of Science and Scopus to date and his work is cited over 8300 times with a current h-index of 43. He is currently the Brand Ambassador for Emerald Publishing East Asia and also the Associate Editor of Industrial Management and Data Systems, and the International Journal of Bank Marketing. Finally, Prof Tan is one of the World’s Top 2 % Scientists according to a report published by Stanford University in 2022.

NORDIN RAMLI - IEEE Malaysia Section Chair

NORDIN RAMLI is an award recipient of Top Research Scientist Malaysia (TRSM) and Young Scientist Network (YSN) by the Academy of Sciences Malaysia, in 2018 and 2014, respectively. He received a B.Eng degree in electrical engineering from Keio University, Japan in 1999. He received the M.Eng and Ph.D. degrees, both in electronic engineering from The University of Electro-Communications, Japan in 2005and 2008, respectively. He has more than 20 years of experience in the telecommunications industry including research and development work. Previously, he was at Telekom Malaysia Berhad as network engineer from 1999-2008, and lecturer at Multimedia University, Malaysia from 2008-2009. Currently, he is a Senior Staff Researcher at the Wireless Innovation Department of Corporate Technology, MIMOS Berhad, Malaysia. He is overseeing the solution development of MIMOS’s in house technology to the government and enterprise sector, especially the IoTs and big data-related projects. On the research. He is currently the Chair of IEEE Malaysia Section.

Ir. Dr. Hudyjaya Siswoyo Jo - IEEE Sarawak Subsection Chair

Hudyjaya received his Bachelor of Engineering degree majoring in Robotics & Mechatronics and PhD degree both from Swinburne University of Technology. He worked as a teaching assistant in Swinburne Sarawak while continuing his doctorate research from 2008 until 2012. In 2012, he joined Swinburne Sarawak as a Lecturer in the Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Science and was appointed as Senior Lecturer in 2018. He has been actively engaged in the research related to the field of robotics and mechatronics, automation and mechanisation as well as supervising students in various projects and international/national level robotics competition. Dr. Siswoyo Jo has successfully completed several manufacturing and automation projects focusing on Industry 4.0 implementation for the Small-Medium Enterprise in Sarawak. Besides robotics, he also has a special interest in embedded system implementation on home automation and multimedia smart gallery system. He has been involved in several corporate building automation and smart gallery projects as a technical consultant including the recently launched Borneo Cultures Museum which is the second largest museum in Southeast Asia. His research interests include mechatronics system design, modelling and control, industrial automation, human machine interaction and agriculture mechanisation.He is currently the Chair of IEEE Sarawak Subsection.

Nursyafika Zakaria

Nursyafika Zakaria obtained degree in Geoscience in year 2022 from Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. She is the first technical support engineer for SuperMap Malaysia and have successfully delivered various of training for private and educational institutions with advanced GIS technologies such Big Data GIS, Artificial Intelligence GIS, Cross-platform GIS, Distributed GIS and Three Dimension GIS. Now, she is skilled in Smart City solutions including Smart Park, Smart Transportation, Smart Water Affair, Augmented Reality (AR), disaster management and more.

Hei Zel

Hei Zel is the Programme Director and Advisor of BCSD Malaysia, a Global Network Partner of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development. She facilitates and supports the implementation of ESG initiatives of BCSD Malaysia’s member companies, and provides thought leadership in areas including enterprise risk management, corporate accountability and sustainability reporting. A corporate and commercial civil litigation lawyer, she works at the intersection of law, ESG and policy development. She is also a member of the Bar Council Environment and Climate Change Committee

JoJo Oon – Water & CPG Segment Leader, Schneider Electric

JoJo has more than 12 years of experience in field of engineering specializing in Electronics & Electrical field, ranging from Medium & Low voltage distribution design, expert in 11kV & 33kV Switchgear & Transformer. She is currently the Segment leader of Water & Consumer Package Goods in Schneider taking care of all Schneider’s portfolio business under these segments. At the same time, she is also a solution provider in building, facilities and asset management solutions for Water, F&B, Lifescience and Household Product enduser in helping them to achieve their digitalization and sustainability goal.

Associate Professor Ts. Dr. Thomas Moh Shan Yau

Dr. Thomas Moh (T.S.Y. Moh) received his Doctorate degree (PhD) from Technical University of Delft in The Netherlands, His main research topics are Microsystems, (Bio)Sensors, MEMs/NEMs/Bio-MEMs, Microfluidics, Nanomaterials, Semiconductor Fabrication Technology, Renewable Energy Technology, Power System and others. Prior to his engagement with TU Delft, he joined Microsystems Lab at Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm - KTH, Sweden to work on fabrication and packaging of microfluidics for European FP6 project as a researcher. Preceding to this, Dr. Thomas obtained his Master of Science degree in bio-photonics from École Normale Supérieure de Cachan, Paris under the full sponsorship from European Union’s Erasmus Mundus programme. Dr. Thomas received his early engineering degree (with Honours) from University Technology of Malaysia in Electrical Engineering in 2005. A year later, he received his Master of Engineering from the same university.

Keeping his hometown dearly to his heart, he returned to Malaysia under Returning Expert Programme (REP) by TalentCorp in 2014 to join University of Technology Sarawak (School of Engineering & Technology) which is located at his hometown, Sibu, Sarawak. In addition to bread-and-butter as an academician, he spear-headed iLeD (Industrial Linkages and Entrepreneurial Development) Centre with the purpose of bridging and narrowing the existing barriers between academia and industries in Sarawak. After 5 years, he rotated on to University Courses Services Centre (UCSC) which deals closely with academic common subjects (e.g. entrepreneurship, ethnic relations and etc) which is in line with “Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan” by Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi and vision/mission of the university. As part of transformation to incorporate global, innovative & borderless Learning, he and his team initiated & pioneered the UTS online learning via LMS (Learning Management System) from ground-zero for all University Common/Compulsory subjects (MPU/UCS). As such, UCSC was rebranded to Centre of University Courses & Innovative Learning (UCiL) starting from 2020.

He has authored and co-authored various journals, book chapters and conference papers. He also acts as reviewers, editors, session chairs for a number of international technical journals, conferences, viva-voce sessions and etc. He is also a graduate member for Board of Engineer Malaysia (BEM), The Institute of Engineering and Technology, IET UK, The Institute of Engineers Malaysia, IEM and a Professional Technologist from Board of Technologist Malaysia (MBOT).

Maximus Balla Tang

Maximus Balla Tang earned his Bachelor of Education degree in Economics, with honors, from University Tun Abdul Razak (UNITAR), Kuching (2013). He obtained his Corporate Master in Business Administration (CMBA) from University Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), Kuching (2016). He is currently lecturer at the Centre of University Courses Services Centre, University of Technology Sarawak (UTS). He has been appointed as Head of Unit for Learning Management Ecosystem and e-Learning Resources since year 2020 until now. He is involved in training related to e-learning resources such as UTS e-learning Tools and Digital Teaching and Learning and certified MyTriz level 2 practitioner. Before this, Maximus served in the retail industry, Aeon as a group leader. Maximus has expertise in the area of business administration, specifically entrepreneurship as well as economics.

He is one of the research associates for Research Centre for Borneo Regionalism and Conservation (BORC) and Centre of Technological Readiness and Innovation in Business Technopreneurship (CONTRIBUTE). To date, he published some articles in International Journal of Business and Society and Borneo Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities.

Nurzalikha Binti Sa’adi

Nurzalikha binti Sa’adi received her Diploma in Building in year 2012 from University Technology MARA (Kota Samarahan Campus), Bachelor of Science in Construction Management in year 2014 and Master of Science (Built Environment) from University of Technology MARA, Shah Alam in year 2016. She is currently Lecturer under the Centre of University Courses and Innovative Learning, University of Technology Sarawak. She has been appointed as Head of Unit for Innovative Learning & e-Learning Content Development since year 2020 until now. In recognition of her achievement, she has been recognized as Open Learning Ambassador in the year 2022. Nurzalikha Sa’adi is one of the expertise in Sustainable Development, Green Technology, Construction Management, Building Construction, Green Energy, Renewable Energy and Waste Management.

She is also currently appointed as Research Associate for Research Centre for Borneo Regionalism and Conservation (BORC). She teach the subjects; Green Technology, Creativity and Innovation and Malaysian Economy. Nurzalikha has to date published some of articles in referred international journals including those indexed in Scopus database such as Journal of Sustainability Science and Management, Jurnal Teknologi and Malaysian Construction Research Journal. She also active joining national and international conference by presenting her research papers.

Stay tuned, our speakers are still on the flight